Faith Based Role in Mental Health

Diana's Personal Testimony Through Celebrate Recovery – 20 Minutes

Hear Diana's gripping testimony of living with parents who suffered from mental illness.  She will share what she has learned, endured and overcame, and what effect mental illness had on her, a child trapped in a home with two parents suffering from two different and horrific diseases which affected their mental capacities.

If you or a loved one are affected by mental illness, there is hope! As Diana says, "I want others to know I made it and they can too."

Faith Based Role in Mental Health

The Role of the Church in Reaching Out to the Mentally Ill – 1 Hour

Why is it easier to request prayer for physical illness, alcoholism or addictions than for depression or anxiety?

Nearly every church includes people with mental illness in its congregation. But very few are confident in knowing how to respond. It is a hard topic to talk about.

Individuals experiencing psychological distress, both believers and nonbelievers, are more likely to seek help from a member of the clergy or ministry staff before any other professional group.

Unfortunately, research shows that 30 to 40 percent of mentally ill individuals who approach the church for assistance are told there is no such thing as mental disorders. Rather, their illness is “spiritualized” and suggested to result from a lack of faith or personal sin.

Dealing with mental health issues is something that the church needs to know. This presentation will give techniques on how to assist people in finding the help they need.

We need to know ways to love the mentally ill, like Jesus loves them and give everyone a safe place to ask for help.

The Role of the Church in Reaching Out to the Mentally Ill

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